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About Us

Greetings from Rudies - Karl, Dana and our three sons Zak, Nico and Luke Ruediger. For many years, we talked about how we would love to experience the nomadic lifestyle and spend more time together as a family. Now, onboard Casa Bianca, we are pinching ourselves - is this really happening??? YES, we are doing it! And we would love you to share our journey with us.

Sailing Rudies on board of Casa Bianca

We left New Zealand and moved on board Casa Bianca in April 2023. The boat was on the mooring in Marina Taina on the west coast of Tahiti. But that wasn't the start of our sailing journey...

Karl and our first sailing boat
sailing boat on a trailer parked in front of house

Our First Sailing Boat

We purchased our very first sailing boat in 2007 – a 23-foot-long Aquarius. It was a trailer-sailer, which meant we could explore different sailing grounds across the North Island of New Zealand.

Our maiden voyage was very adventurous. We were so keen to get out there that we ignored the wind warning and the fact we hadn’t yet purchased the dinghy. Luckily, Karl grew up sailing with his family, as I (Dana) had no idea how to sail.

Casco - Davidson 28 sailing boat
sailing back to marina - boys on sailing boat Casco

Our First Family Boat